Sunday, August 22, 2010

wish I had done this... rock your baby

Just spent most of the morning looking for outfits for Little L to wear to the 2 weddings we have coming up and went to one of my favourite sites for gifts when friends have offspring. Rock your baby is a reflection of how I have been feeling looking for clothes for Little L that reflect me and S's personalities.  Its hard to shop for little boys and avoid the racks upon racks of baby blue, white and pastels. 
From the rock your baby website- Let’s face it, being a parent isn't all joy and wonder, so it's also our hope that Rock Your Baby can add a frisson of fun and irony to the modern parenting experience, allowing the grown-ups to play with their world, and conventional expectations, in a way that very gently and humorously shakes things up a little.
I love their site and love that it is an Australian company although I am not sure where they make their gear... I'm scared to ask.
You can go bonds for quirky outfits which I love- especially the new roomies range with the saggy bums but feel guilty buying since they have moved the manufacturing offshore, do you feel guilty about where your clothes are made?  I did a unit with my design class last year about design and sustainability and ever since I have been trying to be more aware of how I buy and consume- not only clothes but all products. 
I watched this movie called The Story of Stuff with my class and it has sat with me ever since.  I know the film is made from a very biased point of view (what isn't) but in our constant consumerism and demand for low prices we are ignoring some very fundamental issues about human rights, environmental awareness and WHY we buy what we do and how. 

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