Just spent most of the morning looking for outfits for Little L to wear to the 2 weddings we have coming up and went to one of my favourite sites for gifts when friends have offspring. Rock your baby is a reflection of how I have been feeling looking for clothes for Little L that reflect me and S's personalities. Its hard to shop for little boys and avoid the racks upon racks of baby blue, white and pastels.
From the rock your baby website- Let’s face it, being a parent isn't all joy and wonder, so it's also our hope that Rock Your Baby can add a frisson of fun and irony to the modern parenting experience, allowing the grown-ups to play with their world, and conventional expectations, in a way that very gently and humorously shakes things up a little.
I love their site and love that it is an Australian company although I am not sure where they make their gear... I'm scared to ask.
You can go bonds for quirky outfits which I love- especially the new roomies range with the saggy bums but feel guilty buying since they have moved the manufacturing offshore, do you feel guilty about where your clothes are made? I did a unit with my design class last year about design and sustainability and ever since I have been trying to be more aware of how I buy and consume- not only clothes but all products.
I watched this movie called The Story of Stuff with my class and it has sat with me ever since. I know the film is made from a very biased point of view (what isn't) but in our constant consumerism and demand for low prices we are ignoring some very fundamental issues about human rights, environmental awareness and WHY we buy what we do and how.
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Things I am watching... The Pines
Just watched THE PINES, a short film by Brett D'Souza. Loved it. very melancholy afterwards, great story. synoposis here:
Mark returns home from yet another failed audition, where his girlfriend Sally and a new job in a shoe factory are waiting. Dejected and resigned to his fate, Mark heads down to the basement to pack away his old life and stumbles into The Pines. Trapped in a place he doesn’t feel he belongs, Mark has to depend on some unexpected allies as he embarks on the fight to be the man he knows he is, and not the man he’s become.
Mone- acrobat/FBI agent
Mark returns home from yet another failed audition, where his girlfriend Sally and a new job in a shoe factory are waiting. Dejected and resigned to his fate, Mark heads down to the basement to pack away his old life and stumbles into The Pines. Trapped in a place he doesn’t feel he belongs, Mark has to depend on some unexpected allies as he embarks on the fight to be the man he knows he is, and not the man he’s become.
Mone- acrobat/FBI agent
Thursday, August 19, 2010
If the shoe fits.. get to DaKlinic
I hope I remember this tomorrow at 5pm....
Shep you are mad but in a mad scientist way
OK HERE'S THE DEAL FOR YOUR FREE ADIDAS SHOE'S - TOMORROW @ 5pm. Rock up to Da Klinic tomorrow @ 5pm and "If The Shoe Fit's" you will get to take home a free pair of Adidas shoe's. Only certain size's will be on offer and it's first in first serve.Don't bother rocking up before 5pm as everyone will have to start from outside, if you miss out do not fear there will be a 20% off all Adidas Shoe's including Star Wars collection until 7pm this friday night.
Shep you are mad but in a mad scientist way
OK HERE'S THE DEAL FOR YOUR FREE ADIDAS SHOE'S - TOMORROW @ 5pm. Rock up to Da Klinic tomorrow @ 5pm and "If The Shoe Fit's" you will get to take home a free pair of Adidas shoe's. Only certain size's will be on offer and it's first in first serve.Don't bother rocking up before 5pm as everyone will have to start from outside, if you miss out do not fear there will be a 20% off all Adidas Shoe's including Star Wars collection until 7pm this friday night.
Things we are watching...movies
Cemetery Junction
Be Young, Be free, Be Somebody
Set in the 1970's in a small town the story centres around 3 (4? if you count the love interest) working out what paths they will take, their relationships with their families, their bosses, each other.
Be Young, Be free, Be Somebody
Set in the 1970's in a small town the story centres around 3 (4? if you count the love interest) working out what paths they will take, their relationships with their families, their bosses, each other.
"there's an ancient arab proverb thats says- throw your heart out in front of you and run ahead to catch it"
Some parts that are crack up out loud funny, some parts that are awww. melt. lovely. too. LOVED LOVED LOVED the set design, the wardrobe and soundtrack. Nothing to blow your mind or change your world but left me feeling and thinking about taking chances, love and friends and all that life may bring.things they never told you about motherhood... getting sick
Yesterday Little L got sick for the first time, I had only just been saying to people how amazing breastmilk must be to keep our little one from getting sick when we were. Unfortunately the cold weather or the fact we went to a birthday party full of sick people must have gotten the better of us and the little one went down to a cold. Sleepless night with the little boy all hunched over and alternating between sobs and screams was so awful. Then seeing him wake up with a dripping nose into his mouth we gave him his first panadol. All he has had so far is breast milk so we were hestitant to give him anything else. You want to just love and cuddle them well. A visit to the doctor confirmed he had a tummy bug and cold, sent us home with instructions to keep an eye on him and keep his fever down. Now our little man has had a little sleep - his nose is still running and his eyes are still puffy but he is still smiling at us, which makes your heart melt even more. Get well my little L, I love you x
Monday, August 16, 2010
Confessions of a bad housewife... cake
My marble cake is RAWWWWWWW
B was telling me how easy it is to make a marble cake with the different layers and colours so I decided to try it freestyle... So when I got to the pink layer I added WAY WAY too much colouring so it ended up a hot pink. While it was batter it didn't seem too bad, but then I baked it. Fortunately I won the battle with the oven and didn't burn it but when I cut it open it looked raw, not because it was undercooked but becuase the pink colouring made it look like a raw steak inside.
At least it tasted ok....
B was telling me how easy it is to make a marble cake with the different layers and colours so I decided to try it freestyle... So when I got to the pink layer I added WAY WAY too much colouring so it ended up a hot pink. While it was batter it didn't seem too bad, but then I baked it. Fortunately I won the battle with the oven and didn't burn it but when I cut it open it looked raw, not because it was undercooked but becuase the pink colouring made it look like a raw steak inside.
At least it tasted ok....
Friday, August 13, 2010
things to do instead of what you should be doing.....
Cheese or font- thanks Gary
Click here to play Cheese or Font, one for all you font/ typography lovers or those who like to talk cheese.
Click here to play Cheese or Font, one for all you font/ typography lovers or those who like to talk cheese.
Thursday, August 12, 2010
wish I did this.....
Saw these maternity series of photos and journals, wish I did them when I was pregnant. Not too many pregnant photo's mostly becuase I was feeling crap and fat alot of the time and when I wasn't I didn't have a professional photographer, stylist and wardrobe around. But if I did I wish they looked like this series I found on pacing the panic room by photographer Ryan Marshall
things they never tell you about motherhood...
Amongst all the horror stories of other people's birth (why did they feel the need to share?) one piece of wisdom/advice was valuable more than anything else and it ran through my head over and over through the hard first few weeks,
"No-one tells you how much fun it is"
and has inspired me to share the best bits (so far) in an open letter to B
Read this when you are feeling down and evil
1. When your baby first smiles at you- yes it might be gas, but who cares it makes you feel so good, and then again and again as they master it and do it more often, and then that joy bubbles over when that smiles turns into a laugh
2. When your baby first sleeps for a long time. For me that has only been recently and five hours is still our longest stretch but it was the most amazing relief to wake up without feeling like a zombie and I was even happy with how engorged and bursting my boob were because it was proof that yes he had finally slept for a long time
3. Listening to the heartbeat on the ultrasound- I never tired of that, I loved hearing that impossibly fast, water sonar sound
4. Dressing your baby - not the actual dressing part because sometimes that feels like gymnastics but lets be honest- dressing the dolls was the fun part, and now you have a live one
5. The songs and rhymes you make up at 1am, 3am, 5am, 7am, midday, mid afternoon to amuse your baby when you have forgotten the words to the real ones, especially when your babies nickname rhymes with poo ;)
6. The way your baby wakes up crying but stops immediately when you come over and smiles at you like you are the favourite part of their day
7. Feeding your baby- it took me 6 weeks to stop crying while I did it, and at 8 weeks I would still cringe, at 10 weeks we are ok most of the time and I don't know when it moved from ouch painful to the realisation that I am all my baby needs to be sustained and survive but it was a nice place to keep my thoughts
8. The way your baby curls up on your shoulder, into your lap, into your arm, into your hand, into your neck- its like they are moulded to fit you no matter how big they get, and the little sigh they give once they have wriggled themselves into those spots
9. When your baby starts to interact with toys, its so much fun watching him/her make faces/concentrate/being amused
10. Looking at their little hand curled around your finger- just pure content to see, yep thats me and L's hands
Thats 10 in 10 weeks- I promise more before the baby comes the next time you are feeling down x
"No-one tells you how much fun it is"
and has inspired me to share the best bits (so far) in an open letter to B
Read this when you are feeling down and evil
1. When your baby first smiles at you- yes it might be gas, but who cares it makes you feel so good, and then again and again as they master it and do it more often, and then that joy bubbles over when that smiles turns into a laugh
2. When your baby first sleeps for a long time. For me that has only been recently and five hours is still our longest stretch but it was the most amazing relief to wake up without feeling like a zombie and I was even happy with how engorged and bursting my boob were because it was proof that yes he had finally slept for a long time
3. Listening to the heartbeat on the ultrasound- I never tired of that, I loved hearing that impossibly fast, water sonar sound
4. Dressing your baby - not the actual dressing part because sometimes that feels like gymnastics but lets be honest- dressing the dolls was the fun part, and now you have a live one
5. The songs and rhymes you make up at 1am, 3am, 5am, 7am, midday, mid afternoon to amuse your baby when you have forgotten the words to the real ones, especially when your babies nickname rhymes with poo ;)
6. The way your baby wakes up crying but stops immediately when you come over and smiles at you like you are the favourite part of their day
7. Feeding your baby- it took me 6 weeks to stop crying while I did it, and at 8 weeks I would still cringe, at 10 weeks we are ok most of the time and I don't know when it moved from ouch painful to the realisation that I am all my baby needs to be sustained and survive but it was a nice place to keep my thoughts
8. The way your baby curls up on your shoulder, into your lap, into your arm, into your hand, into your neck- its like they are moulded to fit you no matter how big they get, and the little sigh they give once they have wriggled themselves into those spots
9. When your baby starts to interact with toys, its so much fun watching him/her make faces/concentrate/being amused
10. Looking at their little hand curled around your finger- just pure content to see, yep thats me and L's hands
Thats 10 in 10 weeks- I promise more before the baby comes the next time you are feeling down x
I am making.... onesies
Handmade Onesies
During all the kids sales at all the chain stores my mother in law and I bought a bunch of onesies. Your usual white ones- which S and I plan to dye and do something to, but also some baby blues as well. They were mostly to put underneath other clothes in the freezing winter we are having this year but we also got some long sleeved ones I thought maybe could be used on their own. I have this weird issue with baby blue though that came out even more when I saw little L in the long sleeved ones- some connection with school uniforms and those ugly skivvy's some kids wore. SO I thought to make them look more interesting and until I learn to screen print some handsewn bits seemed like the way to go.
we'll call this Effort 1, I hope there are more successful ones...
Step 1: take the onesie and iron it
I started with a short sleeved one

During all the kids sales at all the chain stores my mother in law and I bought a bunch of onesies. Your usual white ones- which S and I plan to dye and do something to, but also some baby blues as well. They were mostly to put underneath other clothes in the freezing winter we are having this year but we also got some long sleeved ones I thought maybe could be used on their own. I have this weird issue with baby blue though that came out even more when I saw little L in the long sleeved ones- some connection with school uniforms and those ugly skivvy's some kids wore. SO I thought to make them look more interesting and until I learn to screen print some handsewn bits seemed like the way to go.
we'll call this Effort 1, I hope there are more successful ones...
Step 1: take the onesie and iron it
I started with a short sleeved one
Step 2: Thinking of something to go on a plain blue background. First I thought of clouds but that was too hard to cut out and hand stitch. Next I thought of planes and rocket- that can be a future project and then I thought of paper planes. I drew a bunch of paper planes to find a simple shape that would be easy to show the lines with stitching and easy to cut out.
Step 3: has no photo evidence.. probably for the best because I cut out the paper plane shape in white felt and decided to iron it....
Not very clever- I had the iron on full heat and it just "POOF" dissolves and vanished onto the iron leaving a nice sticky residue... plans commence for using different materials
Step 4: cut out more paper planes and practice how to stitch it on and work out which style looks best
went with the bottom one a- for ease and b- for ease
Step 5: putting it on the onesie.
Step 6: getting my little model to test it. Despite some clear functional issues like the fact the felt plane will probably disintegrate in the wash and after wearing it for an hour my little wriggler had some loose stitches coming apart I have a design to work with once I iron out (not with ours its covered with felt residue) some issues.
What do you think?
I made this... lasagne
Dinner with B
Going to catch up with B tonight and as she is feeling crap and pregnant we made her a lasagne for dinner so we can come to her and hang out and have dinner without her having to worry about anything. Let me know if you would like the famous S n S recipe.
When a friend had her bay shower she said instead of gifts to bring meals for her and the family once her twins arrived. I wish I could have done that but we are still rocking the smallest bachelor sized fridge in our place.
Another woman told me people shold get you vouchers for cleaning ladies when your baby is born. I am still wishing for that for any occassion...
Going to catch up with B tonight and as she is feeling crap and pregnant we made her a lasagne for dinner so we can come to her and hang out and have dinner without her having to worry about anything. Let me know if you would like the famous S n S recipe.
When a friend had her bay shower she said instead of gifts to bring meals for her and the family once her twins arrived. I wish I could have done that but we are still rocking the smallest bachelor sized fridge in our place.
Another woman told me people shold get you vouchers for cleaning ladies when your baby is born. I am still wishing for that for any occassion...
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
I made these... lemon biscuits
Love lemon, love biscuits, thank you Jamie Oliver for the recipe
(watched them like a hawk to prevent burning- could maybe be a little more golden but wasn't willing to take the risk)
Monie 2
(watched them like a hawk to prevent burning- could maybe be a little more golden but wasn't willing to take the risk)
Monie 2
the contentedness that comes with sleep
feeling calm and content, thank you Lil' L for some rest today
Monday, August 9, 2010
Toy library
Off to the Toy Library to return our toys. I love the idea of Toy libraries- very sustainable and clever as children grow out of/get sick of toys so easily. We got this fandangoled (?) contraption that looks like a teddy bear for Little L to lie under and kick and grab hanging bits while it played some carnie tune. He only lasted a minute or so at a time before he would burst into tears- a bit too much really. Also returning the books I got, Kidwrangler by Kaz Cooke which was ok but I think I liked Up the Duff while I was pregnant becuase it was a weekly reading ritual, and returning some book by the Baby Whisperer about sleep because I feel like I am doing everything wrong while I read it with all its routines and plans. When I sat back and reflected I realised, he's happy and I'm happy so why try and fix what isn't broke? Last night he slept 5 hours in a row, woke up for a quick feed, then went back to sleep for another 2 1/2 hours.. thats nearly an 8 hour sleep. Probably setting up horrible patterns for later but I will worry about it then.... stay tuned for me eating my words
things I am watching... movies
I love you Phillip Morris
Last night at D's house we watched I love you Phillip Morris- very funny. Took me till half way through to realise that it was actually based on a true story, if it hadn't of been I probably would have thought it was too unbelievable but funny how life is stranger than fiction. Check out the trailer here:
Last night at D's house we watched I love you Phillip Morris- very funny. Took me till half way through to realise that it was actually based on a true story, if it hadn't of been I probably would have thought it was too unbelievable but funny how life is stranger than fiction. Check out the trailer here:
I made this... plushies
Ages ago I was teaching character design and some of my students made plush toys. I was so inspired I went out and bought Softies and started making some of the templates int here and some of my own. I had thought to make loads and sell them at markets but I'm not sure I can charge what would be reflective of the time it actually takes to make them all (handsewn no machine at home) Let me know what you think..
Here are the little critters.
Introducing.. the ominous owls
Lil' Robot
Next I am working on decorating some onesies for Louis- stay tuned.
Here are the little critters.
Introducing.. the ominous owls
Lil' Robot
Next I am working on decorating some onesies for Louis- stay tuned.
Sunday, August 8, 2010
I made this... cake
Raspberry and Almond cake with marscarpone cream
I do not have the best track record with cakes or desserts see the cake sale at school or the lime delicious incident. This week alone I have burnt 2 packet cakes and made a brick of another. BUT I went to LG's house the other day and she made us this cake that I was drooling over so I asked for the recipe. It was quite involved and even needed special ingredients so I was very nervous. Here is the finished cake and as you can see half is missing because it turned out GREAT.
I do not have the best track record with cakes or desserts see the cake sale at school or the lime delicious incident. This week alone I have burnt 2 packet cakes and made a brick of another. BUT I went to LG's house the other day and she made us this cake that I was drooling over so I asked for the recipe. It was quite involved and even needed special ingredients so I was very nervous. Here is the finished cake and as you can see half is missing because it turned out GREAT.
This weeks battle with the oven
Oven- 3
Monie- 1
movies we're watching... World's greatest Dad
Watched World's Greatest Dad with Robin Williams this weekend. Its written and directed by Bobcat Goldthwait, who writes for Important things with Demetri Martin and the Chapelle show among other things. Very dark comedy, really enjoyed it and the characters. I need a rating system- not stars thats too obvious, any ideas?
Watch the trailer here
Watch the trailer here
Friday, August 6, 2010
Adelaide markets
Very excited about all the kids markets coming up. Helping Lala with her stall at Gilles St in September, and looking forward to checking out North East Kids Market and Lollipop markets coming up too. Hoping I can find more time to make more stuff so I can have my own stall too soon! Pics coming soon of some handmade creations so I can join this group too!
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
things they never told you about motherhood
No-one ever told me that when you became a new mum that you would want to kill more often- and no I don't mean the feelings you get when: a)the doctor tells you one last push, b) you have thrown up for 8 months and someone tells you how they love being pregnant c) your husband spills/ruins/wastes your breast milk trying to feed your baby or d) someone else you know is sleeping, I mean that now when I see a big spider I no longer think good, he'll get rid of the flies who I hate more, but start thinking, "how long till he gets inside my home? Are there any cracks he can get through to get to my baby? I must kill it now" I used to always think you should leave deadly creatures alone becuase usually they are more scared of you, they play an important part in the food chain etc etc
There is a huge spider on my fence and I want to kill it. I wasn't ever a spider killer before, now my maternal killer instincts have kicked in and I must protect my baby from all insects or potentially deadly creatures...
killer mone
There is a huge spider on my fence and I want to kill it. I wasn't ever a spider killer before, now my maternal killer instincts have kicked in and I must protect my baby from all insects or potentially deadly creatures...
killer mone
Monday, August 2, 2010
Lucia's at the central market
Had a very civilised mummy catch up at the central markets today.
Went to Lucia's and had authentic home made pasta lunch and yummy portuguese tart for dessert. Was a great spot to pull up the prams and the 3 little ones were content a) staring at all the colours and people, b) sitting pulled up to the table and c) having a babycino (well priced compared to other places as well the girls tell me)
Then bought the weekly veg until Lil Lou decided to scream his heart out until we went back to the car. I should go there more often- the fruit and veg is cheaper and fresher, the carbon footprint is better, guess I am just usually lazy.
Trying to think of places and spaces to be with my mummy friends and their offspring since our flat is too small for a group of girls and their prams, especially those who can move around and remind us of how not child safe our place is (we worry about that when Lou can move on his own) This winter has been especially cold and wet which in the first first weeks home with Lou I didn't mind at all as it gave me an excuse to stay home in trackies getting used to the sleep deprivation/new mum thing but now makes me feel a bit stir crazy some days. Will keep adding ideas as I find them
Confessions of a bad housewife
while yesterday I was a very good housewife and I made osso bucco with forgotten winter veg for dinner, a sponge cake with fresh cream apricot jam filling and raspberries on top for dessert, lit candles, did all the washing and drying, kept son happy, made hubby happy. Today - not so much
I got out of my pajamas at lunchtime, surfed web, made blog and ... no thats it
Its 5:30 I really should try and rescue the night
I got out of my pajamas at lunchtime, surfed web, made blog and ... no thats it
Its 5:30 I really should try and rescue the night
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Things I am watching...
since I got pregnant and had alot more weekend time on my hands being a dj widow and all I started watching alot more movies and tv series. we like watching tv series as a marathon, one after another rather than waiting each week for a new episode. so here are my favourites at the moment:
1. Mad Men- set in 1960's in NY- all about advertising exec.'s, their wives and lovers. LOVE the stylising of this show, and the outfits the women wear, you could watch it without sound its so visually good but don't because the storylines are great too
2. LOST- finally went back to season 3 when I stopped watching LOST each week as the timeslot didn't suit, we then watched all of the rest of it. Not sure I understand even now I have finished it but still enjoyed it anyway without all the answers to all my questions
3. Deadwood- can't go past this one which provided many classic lines and insults worth repeating months afterwards
4. True Blood- a vampire show for adults, rough vapire sex, quirky characters, a dark and gritty soundtrack
5. Curb your enthusiasm- the original LD (before we had our LD) who reminds me of my husband with his rants
6. Parks and Recreation season 1- still haven't seen season 2 but loved season 1
7. Entourage- always a good weekender to watch as a marathon- short episodes. Ari Gold- you are solid gold
8. Big Love- love this series with all its crazies, grown to love Bill and his wives and even started coming around in the way he preaches so passionately so this last season had me perplexed as the decisions Bill turned
9. 30 Rock- love shows that make me laugh out loud, and 30 rock is a winner
10. Breaking Bad- my dad is a chemistry teacher so whenever I watch it I can't help but imagine him makingmeth in a campervan somewhere in the australian outback with one of my high school stoner mates
honourable mentions- sons of anarchy, dexter, heroes, weeds, nip/tuck, the tudors, the inbetweeners, testees
shows I loved watching that got cancelled or finished- (sobs):
carnivale, pushing daisies, deadwood, arrested development, sopranos, six feet under, the wire, rome, dollhouse, wonderfalls, oz
1. Mad Men- set in 1960's in NY- all about advertising exec.'s, their wives and lovers. LOVE the stylising of this show, and the outfits the women wear, you could watch it without sound its so visually good but don't because the storylines are great too
2. LOST- finally went back to season 3 when I stopped watching LOST each week as the timeslot didn't suit, we then watched all of the rest of it. Not sure I understand even now I have finished it but still enjoyed it anyway without all the answers to all my questions
3. Deadwood- can't go past this one which provided many classic lines and insults worth repeating months afterwards
4. True Blood- a vampire show for adults, rough vapire sex, quirky characters, a dark and gritty soundtrack
5. Curb your enthusiasm- the original LD (before we had our LD) who reminds me of my husband with his rants
6. Parks and Recreation season 1- still haven't seen season 2 but loved season 1
7. Entourage- always a good weekender to watch as a marathon- short episodes. Ari Gold- you are solid gold
8. Big Love- love this series with all its crazies, grown to love Bill and his wives and even started coming around in the way he preaches so passionately so this last season had me perplexed as the decisions Bill turned
9. 30 Rock- love shows that make me laugh out loud, and 30 rock is a winner
10. Breaking Bad- my dad is a chemistry teacher so whenever I watch it I can't help but imagine him makingmeth in a campervan somewhere in the australian outback with one of my high school stoner mates
honourable mentions- sons of anarchy, dexter, heroes, weeds, nip/tuck, the tudors, the inbetweeners, testees
shows I loved watching that got cancelled or finished- (sobs):
carnivale, pushing daisies, deadwood, arrested development, sopranos, six feet under, the wire, rome, dollhouse, wonderfalls, oz
music I am listening to
music of the moment
music to start adding posts to my blog to. we found this one while watching nip/tuck and how to make it in america- a new favourite with sweet soundtracks
music to start adding posts to my blog to. we found this one while watching nip/tuck and how to make it in america- a new favourite with sweet soundtracks
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